“The whole of Japan is a pure invention. There is no such country, there are no such people…. The Japanese people are… simply a mode of style, an exquisite fancy of art.”
Sugoi Nihon is a wild blend of countless experiences I had during my travels in Japan four years ago. It is by far one of the most interesting and fascinating places I’ve ever been to - especially when it comes to culture and mentality. People are incredibly respectful and polite.
Trains are always on time and food looks exactly they way it looked on the photo. I’ve been amazed and can’t wait to go back at some point. Four weeks turned out to be nothing but a start to grasp Japan’s multilayered beauty entirely.
Due to constant client work it took some time for me to finish this, but i’m happy to finally share this 90 second ride with all of you beautiful people.

For the different dishes I tried to achieve an interesting Japanese commercial look. After modeling everything inside of Cinema 4D I then rendered it with mostly cel shaded texture, little light setup and AO in the standard renderer to get somewhat of a plastic look. Lateron I added all the graphical elements inside of AE.
All Japanese signs also mean things related to the dish, like their definition, ingredients, place of origin etc.
All Japanese signs also mean things related to the dish, like their definition, ingredients, place of origin etc.
Sometimes it's a thin line between good graphic design and complete screen pollution. :)
All the footage was filmed by me with my good old GH4 and a GoPro. Thanks to my friend Ryoji, a crazy talented animator from Tokyo, for sending me his personal comment on his home country for this project. There probably is no way of making others understand the emotional experience you have traveling around in another country unless they do it by themselves. This project is supposed to create a spark of wanderlust in the viewers’ travel heart, so that maybe they’ll feel inspired to explore it on their own.

Thank you and